现在打开! 城市为基础设施合作伙伴做好准备


凯尔·芬克发帖, 全国城市联盟基础设施高级项目专家, 运输, 和解决方案

As municipalities apply for and receive funding under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), 正式名称为基础设施投资和就业法案(IIJA), 项目, 他们正在与当地合作, state and federal advocates along with the private sector to make residents’ lives better. This mirrors the request of Congress and the Biden administration to foster as much partnership as possible in funding BIL 项目. While a lot of work occurs between the federal government and municipalities, there is a high amount of infrastructure investment occurring between state and local governments. All projects small and large require partnerships at the local level to service the American people.


Graphic shows an Internet for All logo, which reads "high-speed internet for ALL Americans".

各州将从美国联邦宽带基金获得第一轮宽带资金 珠项目, which will support broadband infrastructure in areas with no or insufficient broadband service. 有了这些资金, they are required to submit a first-round draft plan of how they intend to fund broadband service to every unserved location in the state by the end of this year. 这些 计划 是否需要有公众意见征询期, which allows municipalities and state leagues to provide feedback on a variety of factors, 包括州澳门网络娱乐游戏平台计划如何为次级受助人运行RFP流程, how the state intends to run its challenge process and how grant applications will be scored.

州市政联盟也参与了这项工作. 丹尼尔·莱特富特是联合国澳门网络娱乐游戏平台间关系代表 明尼苏达城市联盟Walz州长邀请他作为15名与会者之一 州长宽带工作小组. 的 Task Force advises the executive and legislative branches on broadband policy and funding strategies to assist the state in meeting its broadband goals, addressing the digital divide and bolstering partnerships to ensure equitable deployment and broadband access. 工作队还将协助倡导向联合国提供更多资金 边境到边境宽带拨款计划 which is the main grant program for municipalities and their partners to receive state funding for broadband projects. 在过去, the Task Force has helped to create adjustments that make it easier for municipalities to apply for grants and worked to create a new program to address the unique needs of the hardest-to-serve communities.

Lightfoot encourages municipalities around the country to continue to engage their state. “城市离顾客最近,也最了解他们的社区,他说, “so it remains crucial that 城市 are engaging with state policymakers and state agencies to better inform successful 实现 of historic infrastructure funding and ensuring the rollout of these 项目, 其中许多是在州一级管理的, are successful and ultimately result in historic infrastructure improvements in communities across the state.” Communities interested in engaging their states can learn more about the points of contact and broadband grant funding disbursed to their state on the 官方互联网为所有网站.


的 痣的程序 within BIL was established to create a national Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure system along key corridors throughout the country by providing states with formal funding. To receive formal funds each state was asked to create a charging plan that was approved by the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation. 虽然不是必需的, each state was encouraged to engage municipalities in the creation of their plan and provide local governments to apply for state formula funds to deploy EV charging in their communities. 缴送工作了 at these 计划 to see which states engaged municipalities or state-municipal leagues and are allowing municipalities to apply for funds. 这两个州都包括阿拉斯加, 阿肯色州, 康涅狄格, 哥伦比亚特区, 爱达荷州, 伊利诺斯州, 爱荷华州, 堪萨斯, 路易斯安那州, 缅因州, 马里兰, 密歇根, 内布拉斯加州, 北达科他, 俄克拉何马州, 南达科塔州, 田纳西州, 华盛顿州和怀俄明州. 内布拉斯加州, 例如, reached out to both small population and Justice40 communities in their state plan outreach including the 城市 of Omaha, 林肯, 大岛屿, 卡尼, 北普拉特, 悉尼和南苏城. 与一个 2022年的法律变更, 内布拉斯加州交通部可以实施项目, 包括通过公私合作伙伴关系,利用NEVI资金为电动汽车充电.


德尔米尔福德市.,一个正义社区1 serving approximately 12,000 residents, and the town of Slaughter Beach, Del.为大约200名居民提供服务, 赢得了繁荣社区技术援助补助金. 的 Thriving Communities program is one in which local partners come together to apply and receive technical assistance to assist them in infrastructure projects that increase mobility, 减少污染, and expand affordability to disadvantaged or under-resourced communities who have traditionally been unable to apply for federal funding. 获得这笔资金的首要条件, the two municipalities used the free Grant Assistance Program at the University of Delaware. This state-funded program offers technical assistance at any stage in the grant process and can help with writing, 实现, 在临时办公时间进行汇报和指导. 这两个市政当局计划使用他们的259美元,000 technical assistance grant to support the design of a bicycle and pedestrian pathway to connect the two local governments’ amenities.


基础设施资金仍在流动, 城市, 城镇和村庄继续为项目寻找合作伙伴. 地方领导人继续收集支持他们项目的信件, 尤其是从其他民选官员那里, 包括那些在联邦一级拥有共同选区的人. 他们继续与州澳门网络娱乐游戏平台官员接触, especially at the planning stages of projects or during funding allocations with 公式基金流向各州. 要查看BIL下的地方澳门网络娱乐游戏平台获奖名单,请访问NLC 重建美国仪表盘.

This blog is part of a larger National League of Cities (NLC) series celebrating the second anniversary of the Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act, 也被称为两党基础设施法. 本系列还涵盖了NLC 重建美国仪表盘 and themes such as energy, climate and the environment, safety, and economic return on investment. 要查看完整系列,请点击 NLC CitiesSpeak博客 并查看NLC 准备重建网页 在所有基础设施方面保持最新状态.

1 Justice40社区 is defined by the Administration as a disadvantaged community that is marginalized, 服务水平低下的, 污染负担过重. Justice40指标 in this blog series are categorized by the municipalities’ census tracts being all Justice40 qualifying or the project being in or adjacent to a designated Justice40 census track.