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In remembrance 

Jeffrey T. Walker, age 69, of Cohasset, Minnesota died April 3, 2024. 沃克被选为科哈塞特市议会议员,任期四年, then elected for two terms as the Mayor of Cohasset. While serving on the City Council, 杰夫很自豪能为Portage公园的建设做出贡献, Tioga Beach, purchasing and developing the Industrial Park, and building the city’s natural gas system. 2006年,他当选为伊塔斯卡县审计员/财务主管. 他很荣幸能担任这一当选职位,任期四届,将于2023年1月退休.

Jerome “Jerry” P. Rockvam 在与癌症进行了短暂的斗争后,斯普林公园的一位老人去世了,享年85岁. A lifelong resident of the Lake Minnetonka area, Jerry served as a local political and business leader. 1966年,他当选为春公园市长,成为明尼苏达州最年轻的市长. Following his two-year term as mayor, 他曾担任过一届市议员,1974年再次当选市长, a post he held for 34 years until 2008. 他从公共服务中短暂休息,然后再次竞选,自2016年起担任春公园市长. During his tenure, 城市人口稳步增长,基础设施建设得到重大改善,更好地为繁荣的城市服务.

Awards and recognition



这个称号是非营利组织儿童友好城市倡议(CFCI)的一部分。, 该项目于2020年启动,“旨在改善儿童和年轻人的安全和包容, their meaningful participation, and access to equitable social services, safe and healthy living environments, play and leisure opportunities,” according to UNICEF.

明尼阿波利斯是美国第二个被命名为“儿童友好城市”的城市,” putting it just behind Houston, Texas, which received the designation in 2023.

对这座城市来说,实现这一目标并非易事,它已经筹备了多年. 这可以归结为明尼阿波利斯领导人在2020年提出的地方行动计划,当时他们的目标是获得这种认可. 儿童基金会着眼于该行动计划的四个不同领域:应急准备, youth in government, community safety, and child rights.

The President and CEO of UNICEF USA, Michael Nyenhuis, is a Minnesota native, 他说,明尼阿波利斯一直是考虑儿童权利和福祉的先驱.

“这要追溯到你们的前任市长唐纳德·弗雷泽, 是谁把儿童权利提上了明尼阿波利斯大会的议程,并接受了《澳门棋牌娱乐游戏平台》, which is the largest, the most ratified human rights treaty in the world,” explained Nyenhuis. “The mayor embraced it at that time, and there are child rights champions in civil society, and within the government in Minneapolis, that we’re excited to be partnered with.”

Nyenheis表示,这一指定并不意味着将儿童置于中心的工作已经结束, but more so, 认识到这个城市致力于改善社区儿童的生活和福祉,并将我们的青年放在首位.

From Fox 9




明尼苏达建筑官员协会将亚历山大的部门选为年度建筑部门. 亚历山大港市议会在2月6日举行的会议上谈到了这一荣誉.12, 2024, meeting.


该奖项表彰了纽约市建筑部门的工作人员“为承包商孜孜不倦的工作”, 业主和商业/工业发展商确保可负担得起的建筑环境中的公共安全,以及有效的建筑规范管理.”

在过去两年中,该部门每年为价值超过1.25亿美元的项目颁发许可证. It annually issues nearly 1,400 permits, conducts about 3,400 inspections and already this year, 有否向超过150名建筑承建商及水管/暖气/通风承建商提供本地建筑规范培训. 建筑部门的总占地面积是71.43 square miles.

From the Alexandria Echo Press


Each spring and fall, 罗切斯特市市长金·诺顿鼓励市民积极参与“与市长一起行动”挑战.

现在,罗切斯特因参与这项活动而得到了全国的认可. The city has received the Gold Level in the Step It Up! 成功路线图,成就全国最高水平.


秋季健身挑战包括完成“Step It Up”! Success Roadmap’ inspired by the U.S. 卫生局局长呼吁采取行动,促进步行和可步行社区.

This year, 诺顿市长参加了Med-City马拉松的儿童跑步和罗切斯特公立学校步行上学日.

During the fitness challenge, 参加会议的市长们向国家论坛提交了一份关于城市健康生活方式政策和项目的年度回顾报告.

Cities gain points based on the achievement level in three areas: making exercise a city priority; creating communities that make physical exercise safe and accessible to all; and providing programs and rules to encourage physical activity.